Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ta-Ta-Ta-Today Junior

From the Hooskow

I am very proud of being a social worker...until I run into weak as hell social workers. These WAHSW's have no idea the damage they do to peoples lives. There has been one WAHSW that I've been working with lately, she's supposed to be in charge of making sure one of my clients daughters is being taken care of properly. She is totally disconnected. I knew that her daughter was relapsing, cutting, running away before the WAHSW did. Why? Because I answer the phone. Because I have developed a report with the treatment center the daughter is at. Her treatment councilor now informs me of everything and doesn't even bother communicating with the WAHSW. All this is leading up to the confrontation I had with the WAHSW. Yesterday I finally got a hold of her and very professionally put her in her place. I wasn't inappropriate, just straight forward, really; I'm kind of doing her job for her and that ain't right. So here's why I even bothered getting into all of this: she has a rather significant speech impediment that apparently surfaces when she's nervous. "I'm so sowwy, pwease tew hew how sowwy I am". It's moments like that when I know I have done my job. Hopefuwy she'll straighten hew business out so she doesn't get fiwed.


Things have been going pretty well. E is all kinds of sick. She has a really nasty case of somethin'. Her throat is all jacked up, she's achy, she has really bad headaches. She hasn't gone to work this week yet; which is good. In many ways it's totally unfair that she has to be sick from pregnancy AND regular sick at the same time...and I just got done enjoying a bowl of cereal...see, not fair.


Mehmet said...

"I have developed a report with the treatment center"

Like they send you a report or did you mean a rapport?

I hope E didn't catch what I have been trying to get over. :(

Ian said...

I like the social workers who try to play Brewster's Millions with state money.

P.S. Richard Pryor is the shit.

yoshva said...

uhhh...yeah, rapport. I'm getty sloppy in my old age.


That is absolutely insane...that she didn't create an offshore bank account to deposit the check in.