Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fist Full of Dumb

For whatever reason misfortune is throwing its feces at us. We're saving money for a house, ergo excessively dumb things have to happen which cause us to hemorrhage money. Whether it be our hella crapified health care system. Or last weeks slashing up of my Jeep top...which wouldn't be so bad because I have insurance. Oh wait, because I got a different vehicle the insurance automatically transfers; so now I'm just out $800. Such is life.

Today E and I went for a lovely stroll through a local park. When we returned to her car we saw that someone had smashed out the rear windshield. Just pointless. I'm glad to be at the point where we can just laugh at the absurdity of it. We saw the smashed glass and started laughing; which really is a pretty good coping mechanism.


Ian said...



I got nothin'.


yoshva said...

It is what it is. They didn't take anything, which is all good. E had her purse and wallet in the car.

Mehmet said...

Them suburbs are dangerous. :(

Anonymous said...

*Note your post, three posts ago*

How many tears can you hold in your empty promises? Heh heh.
